Energy Efficient Appliances
Buy Energy Efficient Appliances. Always buy ENERGY STAR qualified appliances and equipment - they're up to 40% more efficient. Find rebates and incentives in your area using our rebate finder.
How many times we have heard the say “…every penny count”? In this case, we should say, every watt count…
That is correct, every watt we can save will count. In our home, we have several appliances that can help us to reduce the amount of energy we consume in our daily chores. We might not notice but we use electronics like crazy. With that said, sometimes we do not make any conscious about how much energy those electronics consume because we just need to use them. In the same manner, we can help ourselves and save energy thus, pay less for electricity with energy-efficient appliances.
Just look around your house and see all these appliances that can be more energy-efficient and save you hundreds. Washer and dryer, iron, microwave, dishwasher, water heater, air conditions, furnace, garbage disposal, refrigerator, freezer, blender, stove, oven, computers, TVs, home theatre, light bulbs, ceiling fans, etc.
If we consider that we could save 10 watts per each appliance per month, we are talking about 200 watts or more per month on your electricity bill. If we calculate this with the average kilowatt rate in Texas of 10 cents per kWh. The total savings per month could be around $25. If we multiply this by 12 months, we have total savings of $300 per year, at minimum.
Save Electricity Energy Star Appliances
Energy Star does a great job rating all the appliances that want to be audited by them. rates all the appliances by categories and will give a score depending on the efficiency and compared to similar products. From house applications to commercial products.

Energy Star Overview
Energy STAR® is the legislature sponsored image for energy effectiveness, giving straightforward, sound, and impartial data that customers and organizations depend on to settle on all around educated choices. A large number of modern, business, utility, state, and nearby associations—including about 40% of the Fortune 500®—cooperate with the U.S. Natural Protection Agency (EPA) to convey cost-sparing energy proficiency arrangements that improve air quality and secure the atmosphere. Since 1992, ENERGY STAR and its accomplices helped American families and organizations spare in excess of 4 trillion kilowatt-long stretches of power and accomplish over 3.5 billion metric huge amounts of ozone-depleting substance decreases, proportionate to the yearly outflows of in excess of 750 million vehicles. In 2018 alone, ENERGY STAR and its accomplices helped Americans maintain a strategic distance from $35 billion in energy costs.
Energy Star Homes
Energy STAR confirmed homes are at any rate 10% more Energy proficient than homes worked to code and accomplish a 20% enhancement for normal while giving homeowners better quality, execution, and solace. Twenty-800 manufacturers, designers, and fabricated lodging plants are ENERGY STAR accomplices, including the entirety of the country's 20 biggest home developers. More than 2 million ENERGY STAR affirmed homes have been assembled, incorporating about 100,000 of every 2019 alone. Through the ENERGY STAR program, EPA likewise gives believed direction and online instruments to assist mortgage holders with settling on keen choices about improving the energy productivity of their current homes. What's more, in excess of 98,000 mortgage holders retrofitted their homes through the Home Performance with ENERGY STAR program in 2019, for a sum of more than 870,000 to date. Become familiar with ENERGY STAR for the private area.
Pay less electricity, major energy savings ideas
Now I want to give you some ideas that will really impact your energy savings efforts and pay less for the electricity you consume.
Tankless water heater
Indeed, these water heaters will help you to reduce energy consumption. Mainly is because the water will be heated on demand, only when the hot water is needed. A traditional water heater tank ALWAYS HOLDS 80 GALLONS OF HOT WATER. This means that the water heater is constantly in function. If for some reason the hot water faucet was open, even without the need for hot water, the water coming out of the faucet will come from the water heater. Since the water heater always needs to be full, cold water from the utility will be used to fill it out and the thermostat kicks in and heats up that freshwater.
Moreover, the energy savings can be more than $200 per year. However, there are several applications for these water heaters. Central or for the whole house and localized, for each part of the house that needs water heated. More about these ideas in its own page, Adjust Your Water Heater.
Lower electricity bills doing laundry properly
This trick will help you to save about $300 or more per year. Additionally to my suggestion that your next washer and dryer will be high-efficient according to the Energy Star standards, wash and dry at night. Please, do not think that electricity is cheaper at night, that is not true.
I strongly recommend doing your laundry at night. All year long at night after 9 pm. This will help your home cooling or heating system. At night the temperature drops, since the washer and dryer generate heat, this will make the cooling and heating systems to work less.
As you can see, Energy Star appliances can be a great help to reduce your electricity bill. Some of us can’t update all our appliances at once. However, you have an idea of what to get when buying your new appliances. Always check the energy guide yellow label and compare products.

Energy savings, how to measure them.
One of the main factors that impact our energy consumption is the weather, in a single month we can have several changes in the weather and temperatures. With this said, how can we know if we are doing a good job trying to save on energy? If you have a traditional electricity service, which sends you a monthly statement, measures your daily energy-saving efforts will be complicated.
See how much you save from yesterday to a day before with prepaid electricity. Only prepaid electricity can give you that information.
Prepaid electricity gives you information. Every day you will get a notification of your energy consumption. This is the only way to measure your energy-saving efforts and see (as an example) if washing and drying at 5 pm or doing this at 9 pm makes any difference.
If we save on energy, we are not only helping our finances, we are helping our planet too.
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