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Home Electricity is a Necessity

Writer's picture: Gabe CGabe C

Updated: Apr 17, 2023

Residential electricity for a lot of us that work from home.

Now in 2020 with this COVID-19 thing, that has us locked up, and now we work from our homes. That's right, for some it's very comfortable, but for others, it's not so comfortable. Having the kids around while we're trying to do our job is no easy thing. First of all, patience is something we shouldn't lose. The rest of the family is also going through a critical moment and I'm sure they're also doing their best to stay calm.

We've seen hundreds and hundreds of videos of what we need to do to keep our homes germ-free and keep the family healthy. Luckily some of us kept our jobs, but many others weren't so lucky.

Take care of your home electricity
We rely so much on electricity at home...

The energy at home is a necessity, let's take care of it.

The economy of the entire planet is completely unbalanced. As I just mentioned, some lost their jobs, and others still don't know if their work will be the same as before. While companies are doing everything they can to stay afloat, this pandemic is making things very uncertain. No one knows exactly when we can return to our usual life. What's more, I could say that after this pandemic, nothing will be the same.

We can't live without electricity at home

In these moments of uncertainty, the first thing we should do is to keep ourselves. I don't mean keeping clothes in a drawer, keeping is when we're careful with every move we make. It's time we have to be careful with our finances. The future is very uncertain, and now, I laugh at those people who pass it by saying that the only thing that matters is TODAY. I'm sorry, but if we only think about today, what will we leave to our children?

That said, save and be careful with your finances, the things that we depend most on right now are, food, water, and electricity. We can't live without power at home, we must take care of it, it is a necessity. In most of Texas, electricity is deregulated, and it is not possible for the government to take possession of the generation and distribution of energy. With that said, there won't be much help from the government to help with this need.

Electricity companies and their new changes to COVID-19

To finish this blog, and to put the theme of my next blog, what electricity companies are doing to stay afloat in these moments of uncertainty over the COVID-19 crisis.

  • Increased difficulty in getting a new electricity service

  • Less acceptance of customers without credit (700 credit points)

  • Extraordinary deposits to start an electricity service (minimum $400)

Let's take care of the electricity, and save energy as much as we can. The best way to save electricity is to know how much we spend on energy every day, not at the end of the month when we already spend it. Take care of your electricity usage. Seeing how much you spent on energy yesterday, and today so you can lower that consumption from the previous day.

Follow my blog and you will find many ideas on how to lower that electricity consumption and pay less for the so much needed energy.

Prepaid electricity helps you save electricity.


To find your energy plan, click here.

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