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Prepaid Electricity Can Save You Thousands

Writer's picture: Gabe CGabe C

Updated: May 11, 2023

Prepaid Electricity Can Save You Thousands
Prepaid Electricity Saves Thousands

Saving electricity is not an easy task, Now, more than ever we should be concerned about how to do better with our household expenses. One of the greatest bills is our electricity bill and now that a lot of us are working from home and students being homeschooled, it is imperative to pay for our electricity.

Prepaid Electricity Can Save You Thousands

Nowadays it is extremely hard to live without electricity. The second most important utility now is our electricity, some can live without gas but not without water or electricity. This does not mean that we cannot be cautious about the way we use our electricity. It is my belief that we all need to put in a little effort and that effort can be remunerated in more than hundreds of dollars. Prepaid electricity can save you thousands.

Prepaid Electricity Can Save You Thousands because this is the ONLY way that we can see how much energy we use every day. If we cannot see our daily energy usage, we cannot know what to do to save energy.

Know your daily energy usage with prepaid electricity.

If you know how many kWh you use yesterday, you will know what to do to save net time you are doing the same chores as yesterday.

For instance, yesterday you felt like you could use your A/C at 68°F, today you will receive a notification that you used 10 kWh. Then, today you test your savings by setting you’re A/C thermostat at 72°F, tomorrow you will see that your energy usage will be about 8 kWh. This is a 20% savings in a single day and with just one common use of an appliance.

Save energy now with all your appliances.

Now I just gave you the secret to save 20% with something you use every day. Your job now is to test different ways to use the rest of your appliances, washer and dryer, dishwasher, hot water, furnace, stove, etc.

The average electricity bill is less than $80

It took me about 2 years to master this skill but let me tell you that I can have one single electricity bill a year of a little over $100, the highest of the year in the summer, $120 to be exact. All the rest of my bills are at an average of $70.

You could say that I live in a little tiny apartment, however, let me tell you that I live in a decent 2000 sq. foot 4-bedroom house. And yes, we cook, wash/dry our clothes, and believe it or not, my house is 100% electric, no gas.

Give it a try, nothing you can lose, besides all, there is no contract, so you can change your mind any time and everyone is happy. Prepaid Electricity Can Save You Thousands

Measure your efforts to save electricity with prepaid electricity.

No Deposit Electricity



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