Prepaid electricity is available for the residents of Houston, Texas
Houston is the largest city in the state of Texas. If you live in the Houston area, you can choose your electricity provider. There are many light companies in Texas, some of them are easy to deal with and other energy companies are easier to get. Many Houston residents don’t have the luxury of having good credit. Most electricity companies in Houston, Texas will ask the customer for excellent credit if the customer wants to have their energy service.
No Credit Check Residential Electricity
We want to assist Houston residents to get their electricity service the easy way. We will not ask for your social security number or driver’s license number. We do not do credit checks! With prepaid electricity, your personal information is safe. You are buying the electricity in advance. It’s like a debit card. You add funds to the electricity account, and you add money when it’s needed.
Daily Energy Usage Notifications
This is the way prepaid electricity bills your energy usage. With the daily text or email notifications of energy usage, you can know how your energy consumption is and when to add more funds to your electricity account.
Knowing your daily energy usage will help you to save. That is correct, you can make changes to your daily chores and figure out which is the best way to use your appliances. For example, you can note how many kilowatts we used if you do your laundry at 5:00 PM. Then, you can see the difference if you do the same task after 9:00 PM. By the way, you can save up to 30% of your energy usage while doing laundry if you do this task at night.
Same-Day Energy Connection with Prepaid Electricity Houston Texas
As mentioned above, prepaid electricity will not do credit checks. With this said, we do not have to wait for the credit assessment result and determine if you are worthy to have electricity at home. No, we will send the order right away for the utility to connect the energy service as soon as possible. With our Prepaid Electricity Houston, Texas, same-day energy connection is possible.
Postpaid energy companies need to wait for the credit score, then they will charge an extra fee to do same-day electricity service.
We have more features that will make your shopping for electricity service fast and easy.
In our blog, you can find many suggestions about how to save energy at home and pay less for power.